Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Barren Cross's Dean Kohn Youtube Audio Sample

Here is a youtube (audio) clip of Barren Cross's new lead singer Dean Kohn. Music By David Heydon Words By Dean Kohn & David Heydon

I don't think this is a Barren Cross song.


  1. Naw its a single my dad did by himself back in 05 I believe.. just too answer your question

  2. Thanks Jesse. Your dad answered that question on another post. :)

  3. Dean told me that He and someone wrote the lyrics, so it is his just not finally a Barren Cross one but may become one they do.

  4. Hah no problem takes me 11 months to write back.. david heydon played guitar dad and him came up with the lyrics.. they are finally in the studio can't wait...... jesse kohn
